
About Redux Thunk

  Redux Thunk is a middleware that lets call action creators that return a function instead of an action object. That function receives the store's dispatch method, which is then used to dispatch regular synchronous actions inside the function's body once the asynchronous operations have been completed. So we can easily solve the backend side with this middleware.

Redux Toolkit

 React jsRedux has Redux is an independent library . It is used to manage the state in react. When the application is small  We can use react hooks if the application. if the application is big it will be not easy to manage state with hooks. If you use redux toolkit there can you store , slice, reducer and actions. First, If you use slice you can all data are managed and you use an initial state and other actions like adding. If you deleting or any kind of action in our application.You need to pass Your actions to reducers and then add them to the store. If you can add as many slice actions resources in Your store. Next is you need to wrap your index.js app with provider and pass store in it then all the components inside app will have the access to use it .Then if you  need to add any functionality or any http request you can do  just need to add action in your slice thus it becomes so much easy to access data from any where 


  CRUD  Operations: The combination CRUD is C => Create, R => Read, U => Update and D => Delete, respectively.This means that when you create a web site or software, in order to keep the information of the software in the database, first you have to create or create a database, table and some data, and then we call it Create operation of CRUD. When we show or read the data we have created in the browser, then we call it Read Operation of CRUD. When we update and delete the data created in the same way with the browser, we call it the Update and Delete operation of CRUD. In computer programming, CRUD operation is considered as the engine of any software or web development. Mongoose: Object Data Modeling (ODM) is an Mongoose library for MongoDB and Node. js. It oversees connections between information, gives pattern approval, and is utilized to decipher between objects in code and the portrayal of those items in MongoDB. MySQL: MySQL means is an open-source relational databas

React simple discussion

  Introduction: React is a  user interfaces JavaScript library.  it is a “declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces”, as defined by its creators. It's Supports server-side rendering. Follows Unidirectional data flow or data binding. Uses reusable/composable UI components to develop the view. So ReactJS has taken the web development world by storm. Now I can describe about JSX, Virtual DOM etc.  About JSX: JSX (JavaScript XML) is a XML-like syntax extension to ECMAScript. That is allows to write HTML elements in JavaScript and place them in the DOM without any createElement()  and/or appendChild() methods.So we can easily write HTML in React. it calls the React.createElement() function. So we need to have to React in scope for JavaScript to know what to do with the compiled code.  Capitalized types indicate that the JSX tag is referring to a React component. These tags get compiled into a direct reference to the named variable, so if we us